Primary education

Everything about the collective labor agreement for primary education

De AOb is the largest union in education. We negotiate the collective labor agreement with employers and the government on behalf of more than 80 members. With results. On July 1, 2023, all teaching staff received a 10 percent pay increase and travel allowances were increased. 

Negotiator Thijs Roovers concluded a negotiating agreement with the other unions and the PO council in September 2023. In primary education voted 94 percent of those surveyed AObmembers agree to the agreement. The primary education collective labor agreement runs from May 1, 2023 to October 1, 2024.

As of January 1, 2024, the commuting allowance has been slightly adjusted. Employees receive a fixed compensation per month for a fixed number of travel days. Download the collective labor agreement text on this subject below or read the newsitem with all details and calculation examples. 

CLA agreements for training

In primary education, teaching staff has an individual budget for professionalisation. This amount is proportional to the working time factor. With 1 FTE, it concerns 500 euros and two hours per working week. Educational staff can choose for themselves how they spend the training budget and discuss this with their employer. Prefer to save? This is also allowed in consultation with the employer and can be for a maximum of three years. Knowing more? Look in article 9.3 of the collective labor agreement.

The most important agreements from the collective labor agreement

AObNegotiator Thijs Roovers also explains all agreements in this news item. 

This is an excellent agreement. Uniting together and banging your fist on the table really helps

AObdirector of primary education Thijs Roovers negotiates on behalf of the AOb.

Frequently Asked Questions

Activities that are included in the annual roster are part of the annual task and have therefore become regular working hours. For example, study days are part of your task hours. It may therefore be that you are 'class-free' but still have to come back for training, a meeting or another school activity. You are exempt from all activities on the bapo day. Do you still have to come back? Then the school must compensate for this. After all, you pay for this bapo day yourself.

In the CLA for primary education 2018-2019, a work division plan has been chosen. This replaces the old basic and consultation model. On the basis of signals from practice and an evaluation study, it had to be established that working with the two previous models led to a lot of uncertainty in the workplace. The consultation was insufficiently established.

Team to move
With the new division of labor policy, the position of the school team has been more firmly established and a board / school leader cannot determine the division of labor policy without consultation with the team.

The team, the individual teacher and education and teacher support team are given a say in their own work and all activities at the school with the work division plan.

The basic principle is that the employee with a full-time appointment can be deployed 1659 hours per school year. The starting point is also the 940 teaching hours that students receive on average per school. In addition, a school team can choose to teach 930 hours per full-time teacher (the funding is based on this), but also more.

Teachers do not have to teach exactly 940 hours. It depends on what the team decides. If you wish, you can choose to give more lessons. You have to give your consent for this. This is called 'mutual consent'. Less lessons can of course always be done. One teacher likes to give as many lessons as possible, another chooses to be able to do other tasks at the school. So you divide the work at the school as a team.

This depends on several factors. In the first place, it is important to know whether you are working on the basis of a deed of appointment or on the basis of a deed of appointment. In addition, the CLA for primary education has different types of contracts with different rules and outcomes. For example, with contracts for replacement, an employer may enter into a maximum of six temporary contracts in a period of three years. To find out what you are entitled to, it is wise to contact the employees of the Information and Advice Center (IAC).

The rule is that in case of replacement, other than due to illness, a maximum of six temporary contracts can be entered into in three years.

A temporary contract can end at any time. This does not necessarily have to be on August 1. However, the end date of a contract must be agreed in advance. For example, if your contract ends on 1 July, your employer's obligation to continue paying wages will also come to an end. In that case, the employer does not have to continue to pay you during the summer holidays.

To determine an end date, you only need to take into account the applicable notice period. Unless otherwise agreed, you must observe a notice period of one month with a contract of twelve months or less. For a contract of longer than twelve months, the notice period is two months. Cancellation always takes place towards the end of the month.

In general, it is customary to cancel a contract as of August 1, because then the new school year starts. However, you are not obliged to do so, you can determine the end date yourself, with due observance of the notice period.

If you achieve an anniversary in primary, secondary, vocational or higher professional education, you will receive a bonus. This is laid down in the collective labor agreement and therefore applies to all employees. AOb-employee Jelte Klerk of the Information and Advice Center: “For 25 years of service, this concerns half a gross monthly salary plus holiday allowance. At the age of 40 or 50, jubilees receive a full gross monthly salary.” 

Read also the whole article about anniversaries in education with crucial tips. 

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(You can reclaim 40% of your union dues through your employer)

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